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About Us


Our Mission

At Broomfield Montessori Preschool, we nurture a profound connection with the natural world and a lifelong passion for learning. Through a traditional Montessori education, we support the child in their journey of independence, creativity, and community engagement. As they develop life skills and learn to navigate challenges with empathy, respect, and tenacity, they experience the joy of reaching their potential. By empowering children to reach their potential, we ready them to become confident, creative and bold global leaders of tomorrow.

Welcome to Broomfield Montessori Preschool!


Broomfield Montessori Preschool was established on March 19th, 2024, bringing our founder’s long-held dream to life. After working for many years teaching in traditional childcare centers, Angela Gray came upon the Montessori method. A light bulb went off when she saw there was a way that was a wholesome, nourishing and exciting way that children could truly be allowed to learn and discover and build their character in a peaceful and enriching environment. After teaching for ten years, earning her own Montessori AMS certificate and going on to be a Director for 3 years, it is a joy and honor to be able to create a beautiful Montessori space here in Broomfield.


In our inclusive community, children are valued and encouraged to express themselves, pursue their interests, and develop meaningful relationships. By igniting a love for learning that each child can carry forth with them, our goal is to give them the gift of knowing what it means to be themselves and the tools they need to be able to share that self with their outer community.


In addition, our commitment to reconnecting children with the natural world is woven deeply into our educational philosophy made especially crucial due to today's increasingly indoor and digital lifestyle. Nature deprivation, a significant concern, refers to the lack of regular contact with nature, which research shows can lead to reduced physical health, cognitive limitations, and emotional challenges. Understanding these impacts, our curriculum incorporates substantial outdoor learning experiences. Through daily nature explorations, gardening, and outdoor classrooms, we enhance physical health, reduce stress, boost cognitive abilities, and foster a strong sense of environmental stewardship. As Dr. Montessori once said, "when children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength".


Broomfield Montessori Preschool is a true and authentic Montessori program with traditional Montessori materials, specially trained and certified Montessori lead guides (teachers), and the method that allows the child to use real materials with real purpose in a natural environment. Your child can learn not how to simply do what they are told, but how to think for themselves and grow in an environment with respect, compassion and collaboration. Your child can follow their interests with guided and caring support and an environment built to give opportunities to develop their social and emotional, academic and physical skills through fun and satisfying activities allowing them to experience self-mastery and personal fulfillment. 


Choosing a preschool is an important decision, and we are honored to be considered as partners in your child's educational journey. We invite you to join our community and embark on this exciting journey of discovery and growth with us and see the difference a Montessori education can make for your child.  We invite you to Enroll Today!

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